Specialist regarding fish continuity

Innovative. Solution-oriented. Flexible. Environmentally friendly. We bring these properties with us to implement your individual water management requirements.
Water is life for humans and animals

"We are there, when it is getting narrow."

“Der Wasserwirt” offers and develops special services and products in the fields of cultural engineering and water management, research and development and water protection.

Products and services

We like to implement your projects and ideas!

Water management and cultural engineering

Research and development

Water protection

Der Wasserwirt

What sets us apart from others

“Der Wasserwirt” was founded in 2007 by Bernhard Monai as a sole proprietorship.Der Wasserwirt – Projektmanagement GmbH” was founded in 2018. The company is situated in Carinthia, in Maria Saal.

“Der Wasserwirt” offers and develops special services and products in the fields of cultural engineering and water management. “We are there for you, when it is getting narrow.” With this motto, the team of “Der Wasserwirt” accepts the challenge and finds a solution for you. The focus is clearly on innovation.

Advantages for customers when they

work with us

Advantages for customers when they

work with us

These companies count on quality

Our partners


Bernhard Monai completed his studies in cultural engineering and water management as well as environment and construction. For 15 years he was head of the R&D department at a precast concrete producer for water protection products. In 2007 he founded the company “Der Wasserwirt”. The core areas consist of planning of fish ladders in AT, DE and CH, the development of new products and services in the field of water protection as well as sampling and maintenance.

Yours Bernhard Monai

We are proud of our dedicated employees

Our team

Bernhard Monai


Magdalena Pirker

Authorized signatory

Birgit Zraunig


Ines Steinwender

Assistent of innovation

Bernhard Monai


Magdalena Pirker


Our newest projects


  • All
  • Research and development
  • Water management and cultural engineering
  • Water protection
Our newest projects


See for yourself

Secure our free initial consultation now.

In conversation we find the suitable project strategy for your question. Together we discuss the course of the project taking into account all the involved people (experts, authorities, neighborhood, etc.).

“Let’s sit down and talk about it.”

I am looking forward speaking with you!

Yours Bernhard Monai

Der Salm

Ein Rheinsalm schwamm den Rhein
Bis in die Schweiz hinein.

Und sprang den Oberlauf
Von Fall zu Fall hinauf.

Er war schon weißgottwo,
doch eines Tages – oh! –

da kam er an ein Wehr:
das maß zwölf Fuß und mehr!

Zehn Fuß – die sprang er gut!
Doch hier zerbrach sein Mut.

Drei Wochen stand der Salm
am Fuß der Wasser-Alm.

Und kehrte schließlich stumm
Nach Deutsch- und Holland um.

(Christian Morgenstern)

Doch nächstes Jahr zur selben Zeit
war es wieder soweit

Der kleine Salm versuchte es erneut
und Schwamm in den Rhein noch heut.

Zu seinem Wunder
sah er kein Wehr sondern ein Fischliftwunder

Mit diesemtollenBau
konnte er das Wehr passieren wie schlau

So hatte jeder kleine Fisch
nie wieder Probleme und freute sich.

(Nicole Kummer)