Development of a fish lift sluice

Research project fish lift sluice

We have been developing the fish lift system according to the “Der Wasserwirt” system since 2012.

It is a novel system of fish pass which is currently being researched. This has already been implemented on six pilot locations, another two pilot locations are currently under construction. Five more are planned (Austria, Germany, Switzerland).

The aim of this system is a solution for power plant locations with limited space and very small locations (MQ <1,000 l/s), where the costs for the installation of a conventional fish ladder are very high.

Compared to conventional systems, transport takes place via a transport system that is open on the side and adapts to the water level in a shaft structure.


So far, five systems have been monitored – 1x in the epirhithral, ​​1x in the metarhirthral, ​​2x in the hyporhithral, ​​1x sea outrun area.

Proof of functionality (according to Woschitz et al.) could be provided for all systems. The sixth facility is still in the middle of monitoring.

We are keen to develop an elaborate process technology. In recent years, valuable technical experience has been gained with the help of the pilot plants. So far, all constructions have withstood a conformity test and have proven their technical functionality.

Fischregion Maßgebende Fischart empfohlener Schachtinnendurchmesser bei Höhen OW-UW bis 6 m empfohlener Schachtinnendurchmesser bei Höhen OW-UW ab 6 m Mindestwassertiefe im Schacht (ab OK Lochblech) Einstiegsöffnung und Ausstiegsöffnung (Ausnahme runde Ausführung mit Rohrleitung ins OW)BxHSchieber kann wegen Fischschutzvorrichtung nicht zu 100% geöffnet werden, deshalb muss Öffnungshöhe bei Planung +10 cm betragen Hübe pro Stunde
Epirhithral, MQ <2m³/s Bachforelle 30 cm 1,0 m 2,0 m 30 cm 20x30 cm 3
Epirhithral, MQ >2m³/s Bachforelle 40 cm 1,0 m 2,0 m 40 cm 20x40 cm 3
Metarhithral, MQ<2m³/s Bachforelle 40 cm 1,0 m 2,0 m 40 cm 20x40 cm 3
Metarhithral, MQ >2m³/s Äsche, Bachforelle 50 cm 1,0 m 2,0 m 50 cm 30x50 cm 3
Hyporhithral klein, MQ <2m³/s Äsche, Aitel, Aalrutte 50 cm 1,5 m 2 m 50 cm 30x50 cm 3
Hyporhithral groß, MQ >2m³/s mit Barbe Aalrutte, Barbe 60 cm 1,5 m 2,0 m 50 cm 40x50 cm 3
Hyporhithral, MQ=2-20m³/s mit Huchen Huchen 80 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 60 cm 50x60 cm 2
Hyporhithral groß, MQ>20m³/s mit Huchen Huchen 100 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 70 cm 50x70 cm 2
Epipotamal mittel mit Barbe Barbe 60 cm 1,5 m 2,0 m 60 cm 50x60 cm 3
Epipotamal mittel mit Hecht Hecht 90 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 70 cm 50x40 cm 2
Epipotamal mittel mit Huchen Huchen 90 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 70 cm 50x40 cm 2
Epipotamal groß mit Huchen Huchen 100 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 80 cm 60x50 cm 2
Epipotamal groß mit Wels Wels 120 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 100 cm 70x100 cm 2
Seezubringer und Seeausrinne Seeforelle 90 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 70 cm 50x40 cm 2
Gründlings- und Schmerlenbach Aitel 40 cm 2,0 m 2,0 m 50 cm 30x50 cm 2